Testing 15 of the most Viral Tech TikTok to see if they actually work – if more than half of them do, I’ll shave a TikTok logo into my head 😂 Check out the Insta360 One RS here: https://store.insta360.com/product/one_rs?insrc=INRMMYI&utm_source=YouTube&utm_medium=KOL&utm_campaign=MRWTB&utm_content=date20220322ONERSLaunch
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TikTok life hacks are ridiculous – do I get to keep my hair though 😂
To check out 15 real life inventions that could turn you into a Superhero: https://youtu.be/1_2q9JclfcQ
I'm stirring the opposite direction as before because it works better.
the backround when noodel hack
3:50 even the camera man's daylights got scared xD
4:40 i hope you removed the foil, it`s a ultra fire hazard. the foil could start glowing and start a fire. NEVER EVER DO THAT.
5:02 PEPPER PIG!!!!
In 8 you need eraseable ink mate
tbf he used wrong toothpaste
the coca cola one works if u put on lid
They eight one does word, but it requires a pen that can erases from heat, hope it helped.
In the one where you cook pastta peppa pig is playing in the backround