By age 13, 80% of girls distort the way they look online.* Let’s change that.
Social media is a big part of young people’s lives — but retouching apps and the pressure to post the ‘perfect selfie’ are hurting their self-esteem and confidence. Have the selfie talk with a girl you love to reverse the damage and celebrate real beauty. The Dove Self-Esteem Project can show you how.
👉 Get the Confidence Kit at
Let’s Change Beauty 💪💙
* Based on the research results from the U.S. surveying girls who use social media; US n-556 age 10-17.
Dove has investments in Israel, plz boycott
Dove supports Israel
As I was mowing the lawn just now, thoughts started racing across my mind about the definition of vanity as it pertains to this society. It seems in this day and age that everyone has a different understanding of what vanity is. Webster's definition is “inflated pride in oneself or one's appearance : CONCEIT .” This is the first time in human history that women and men alike have started posting pictures only of their faces every other day in order to receive affirmation from others. Are these conceited people? Perhaps they are lonely? But I know people that are married that are doing it. Perhaps it's older people that are scared of being shoved aside? This could be there way to fight back. Whatever the myriad of reasons might be, we didn't even do this when we had Polaroids. Why now? Because it's so easy to snap a pic of our face now and post it online. We come up with excuses like, “just wanted to share this or that…” but in truth, the only thing we are sharing with the world is our face. I'm not against people taking pictures of themselves if it's to share a message or share a place they have visited or whatever the case may be. I'm talking about people only sharing pictures of their faces for the sake of their faces! I understand what Dove's intentions were here, but when do we draw the line with selfies? There has to be a better way to teach our children, other than to have them, also, dwell on their faces and post selfie after selfie. Where are the mothers and fathers teaching these daughters and sons that they do not need to seek social media affirmation to understand their worth? I have silver haired sisters posting pics of themselves to show their gray hair because we are trying to end ageism. We want women to be able to have gray hair and not be stereotyped. So, anyway, yeah, there it is. I don't think this is good for society at all. I understand people being insecure, but I don't understand the overinflated pride many have of their faces and too many, it's all they can think of. They have no hobbies, no interests, no activities other than their faces. Think I'm crazy for saying this? Start looking around. Maybe it's just all insecurity? In any case, it's disheartening to see that more and more, every day, this has become a norm and everyone appears to be too afraid to say anything about it for fear of being labeled jealous or worse yet, judgmental. Yes, live and let live. God gives us all free will. But He also gives us permission to sharpen the iron of others. I never had anyone to sharpen my iron when I was growing up. I praise God for drawing me to Jesus Christ before it was too late. With every new generation comes a heavier and heavier oppression from the youth and we are all to blame and this Internet does nothing but amplify it. Please start teaching your children better! Anyway, it's too late. This world is going to get worse before it gets better.
Maybe don't promote young women dedicated to ruining the lives and futures of others, just because it's concerted political propaganda, eh?
Wake up people. Dove is a huge corporation, owned by Unilever. All this positivity crap is a ploy to gain sympathy and money from female consumers. It's pure manipulation. If Dove could increase its profit margin by secretly murdering young girls with impunity they would. They don't care about you.
Me: edits my pictures so I can look like a bobble head
Who is this actress’ full name?
Let’s eat a Happy Meal, and in McDonald’s, get Sega Games line!
Play within your heart’s desire, have lots of fun, and tell your friends to get a Happy Meal!
Let’s go, let’s go to McDonald’s to get Sega Games line!
(After the commercial, the "I'm Lovin' It" jingle plays)
Ironic, isnt it, that Dove is made by the same corporation that makes SLIM FAST.
God loves you
Does anyone know what this music is and who it is by?
Dove, Im a 43 year old male from Canada.
I was writing a review for a friend.
Had Smurfs 2, playing on the TV in the background for some background noise.
Out of the blue, something I heard on the TV made me stop typing and watch the Television. It was a cartoon commercial and the cartoon was a young woman talking to herself (seemingly having an epiphany) about how she didnt need thumbs ups or followers, Etc. to be happy. When the commercial ended I literally clapped, with tears in my eyes and I seen that it was a Dove commercial.
I have to say, AMAZING the job you guys are doing.
Honestly, Ive been using Ivory soap for years, its scent is not too strong and it is affordable. But next time out, just based on your marketing campaign regards helping young woman. Im going to try some Dove soap (promise made) and maybe Ill like it so much Ill stick to it.
Just, Bravo to your Marketing/Advertising/Writing people. I know you guys have been doing these type of things for a while now, but today's commercial hit me different.
Please dont stop. Please.