By age 13, 80% of girls distort the way they look online.* Let’s change that.
Social media is a big part of young people’s lives — but retouching apps and the pressure to post the ‘perfect selfie’ are hurting their self-esteem and confidence. Have the selfie talk with a girl you love to reverse the damage and celebrate real beauty. The Dove Self-Esteem Project can show you how.
👉 Get the Confidence Kit at
Let’s Change Beauty 💪💙
* Based on the research results from the U.S. surveying girls who use social media; US n-556 age 10-17.
I saw the new dove advert. Featuring AI. It reminded me of these type of videos (the one where the woman is being done up to go on a big billboard) … It was a to tell people that them "perfect" people we see on tv arent real.
The new UI dove advert (to me) said to me that even the fake people are beautiful.. dove needs to remake more videos like this instead (to show men and women that people on tv/models etc dont always look like that)
I never seen something so relatable i alwyas use the app persona to fix myself
anyone else dowloaded the mp4 and reversed it or is it just me
In other hand we have the Axe commercials, Unilever satire at the finest.
what is the song called?
Well your approach is contradicting from the begining. photo that you showed with make up is totally artificial which is supposed to be "beautiful" (?!) however when you go back in time to the photo of the girl with her natural look, girl is amazing. she is beautiful but that is the PROBLEM itself, she is beautiful. If you want to give some meaningful message, pick a girl who has defects, asymmetric face shape, hair looks like a brush, fat face etc. Then spread your message….
This is me
Wonderful message! More more more!!
Seems like women are of their own problem.
Anyone notice that the Dove ad promotes older women teaching the younger generation that wrinkles are bad and providing no affirmation for those older women to counteract this horrible mindset?