Enjoy the first part of the best and funniest commercials of all time from all over the world.
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0:01 Horse Whisperer (Bai 2016 Super Bowl commercial)
0:30 Don’t Wake Up In a Roadside Ditch (DirecTV Get Rid of Cable)
1:00 Pedro (Volkswagen Sign Assist)
1:46 When Pigs Fly (Doritos 2015 Super Bowl commercial)
2:16 Axe (Bud Light)
2:46 Meet the Parents (Axe)
3:16 Supermodels (Snickers feat. Joe Pesci and Don Rickles)
3:46 Infinity (AT&T It’s Not Complicated commercial with kids)
4:16 Squirrel Revolt (Sears Shop Your Way)
5:02 Get Shaved In the Face (Old Spice feat. Terry Crews)
5:48 Gangnam Style Baby (E-Lites)
6:28 Juvenile Mate (Dare Iced Coffee)
6:57 Wolf (Cars.com)
7:27 Forgiveness (Schneider beer)
8:24 We’ve Got All Night (Captain Morgan)
8:54 All-Natural (Carl’s Jr. the All-Natural burger feat. Charlotte McKinney)
9:38 Snuffy the Seal (Shark Week)
Thanks for watching
Best Commercials of All Time #1
When commercials were actually worth watching
Why isn’t “never say no to panda” on here?
4:04 for that case, it’s infinity square
9:38 That really did happen. The whole town turned out and school busses full of kids to watch this.
"It's mating with my mouth"…how did the censors let that one go?!! LOL.
These are just plain bad…
I love Flex Tape ad
I actually remember a lot of these. Once we got Direct TV and DVR's so we could record everything and be able to fast forward through commercials, I pretty much never saw one again. With all the streaming services too, we just don't get commercials like these anymore. lol
7:29 commercial is the BEST ONE YET OMFG
TWA Commercial 1985 "Leading The Way. TWA"
Snuffy got Snuffed 😂