Artificial Intelligence is no longer a concept of the future—it’s here. From revolutionizing industries to reshaping daily tasks, AI is creating both opportunities and challenges. So, what now? This video delves into the impact of AI on our world and offers insights on how to navigate and succeed in an AI-driven future.
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The corporations are trying to make us dumb and poor so we can become there slaves in 20-30 years from now. I’m high af rn just to clarify!!!!
"hey, why can the robot go over there" made laugh so hard. The police have no idea how to react to these things.
Your view is too narrowminded… Do a little experiment, play a video of the brothers Wright documentary, and interpose it with the statistics on the modern aviation in military and logistics… Then and only then make a video that aviation, based on your direct observation has very little future.
Such a missed opportunity to call it Johnny-Cab.
Exactly, why are we in such a rush to replace human creativity. For those looking for something industry-specific, Immersive Translate now allows you to customize your own AI expert, it also allows translations in the technology field become more accurate and professional.
The point of AI is for people in power to have more power. Like always 🙂
21:15 bro that is exactly what Andrew Yang was talking about, the 4th Industrial Revolution, how tons and tons of jobs are gonna be taken away from us. Universal Basic Income is necessary man
Just got email in my gmail about using Gemini…
Hey Eddy.. still waiting for your letter.. can’t wait to read what you said about me 🙂
I clicked off of a Kurtis Conner video about AI to watch this lol. He's great too, but I want your perspective on this instead. This video is the tone I wanted.